The Social Dilemma 2020 English TPB torrent

The Social Dilemma 2020 English TPB torrent

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The Social Dilemma 2020 English TPB torrent

The Social Dilemma 2020

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The Social Dilemma 2020

Researches the dangerous effects of social networks on humans, with technology experts disrupting their work.
Authors of Jeff Orlowski:
Davis Coombe, Vickie Curtis | The social dilemma takes place in the dark temple of Silicon Valley and combines exploratory documentaries with revealing narrative drama.
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The Personal History of David Copperfield Statements from technology communicators show our concern: the services that Big Tech offers – search engines, networks, instant information, just candy that bites us. When we are addicted and come back more, the real goods they sell are their ability to influence and manipulate us…